
All team members give up their time voluntarily and receive no payment or expenses, however having the equipment, vehicles and support facilities to operate and potentially save lives is an expensive business. With no Government funding, just raising the money to operate each year, competing with other worthwhile causes, is a mammoth task.

As a registered Charity (1200854) all running costs must be raised by donations, sponsorship, or fundraising events. Without the generous support of individuals, groups and local companies the team would not be able to operate. It costs over £30,000 for LMRT to operate each year. The team are grateful for all the support we receive, and you can be assured that any money we receive will contribute towards the cost of running the team and our ability, when required, to potentially save lives.

Ways to Help

Throughout the year the team raise funds in many different ways including our annual sponsored event BBMC, attendance at various shows, presentations to local schools organizations and events. However without the support of the public and local companies the team would find it very difficult to raise the necessary funds. The team are grateful to all the individuals, groups and companies who have helped the team through donations

Raising funds is a constant requirement with much of the activity being labour and time intensive. If you think you can help by:

  • Becoming an Individual or Corporate Sponsorship
  • Hosting a Collection Box
  • Making a direct donation or leaving a legacy in your will
  • Organising a Fundraising event for us
  • Join our annual fundraising event, the BBMC!


Donations can be made directly to us or through our page on Facebook Fundraisers where you can make a donation or set up online sponsorship for any event you may be participating in.

At present, we have two ways you can donate directly.

  • By Cheque – Cheques should be made payable to Longtown Mountain Rescue Team and can be posted to us at the following address – Unit 9, Union Road Industrial Estate, Abergavenny. NP7 7RQ.
  • 2) By Bank Transfer – Directly to the team’s charity account – Please contact us via email for details :

When making a donation please make sure that the designated Charity is Longtown Mountain Rescue Team – Charity Number 1200854

If you are participating in our annual fundraising event the Big Black Mountains Challenge we have a dedicated JustGiving page where you can also set up online sponsorship or make a donation. If you wish to donate directly please email us


You can increase the value of your donation through the government Gift Aid scheme. The Inland Revenue have a simple system which enables charities to gain additional tax relief on donations made by individuals. Providing you pay an annual amount of income/capital gains tax Longtown Mountain Rescue Team can claim an additional 25% of the value of your donation.

You can download, complete and return the HMRC Gift Aid declaration form via post or email it to us :

HMRC Gift Aid Declaration